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中英文对照| 人生没有白走的路,每一步都算数

   发布时间:2023-03-06 05:35     浏览:474    
核心提示:有句话说,读万卷书,行万里路,会阅人无数。There is a saying that if you read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles, you will read countless people.其实,每个人对人生的体会、领悟、感触皆会不同。但人生历程越是多样的人,越能看见一个更加开阔的世界,越可能过上有趣的生活,越会成就一个更为完善的
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There is a saying that if you read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles, you will read countless people.


In fact, everyone's experience, understanding and feeling of life will be different. But the more diverse people are in life, the more they can see a wider world, the more likely they are to live an interesting life, and the more perfect they will be.


Have you ever prayed for yourself when you are upset? I hope that work is always smooth, life is always smooth, and feelings are always in place at one step.


However, life is sometimes like a prank. You don't know when it will suddenly hit you and make you dizzy.


You live cautiously. You try to avoid, or even detour, things that are easy to encounter, difficult to get along with, and impossible to untie.


But in the end, you will find that there is really no way to go in vain, and every step counts.


Maybe you will avoid many mistakes and failures by avoiding detours, but you will also miss the opportunity to learn lessons, increase your knowledge and enrich your experience.


Even when you reach a certain age, you will understand that it is the past sufferings, misfortunes, and even desperate circumstances that have made you calm, calm, and stable today


"After different levels of training, a person can achieve different levels of cultivation and benefits. Like spices, the more crushed they are, the finer they are, the stronger the fragrance is."


In this world, most people who have made achievements have suffered a lot and have had experiences beyond the reach of ordinary people.


See yourself, see heaven and earth, see all living beings. We should know ourselves, others and the world; We should have the determination to succeed, but also the courage to fear difficulties and failure.


Read more, travel more, do more business, and stick to these three things. We will gradually become more determined, more open, and more powerful. 



鹏飞集团·郑鹏【中国晋商俱乐部名誉主席】 振东制药·李安平【中国晋商俱乐部荣誉理事长】 潞宝集团·韩长安【中国晋商俱乐部常务理事长】 聚义实业·王殿辉【中国晋商俱乐部常务理事长】 振兴小镇·牛扎根【中国晋商俱乐部常务理事长】 融德创世·郝金玉【中国晋商俱乐部常务理事长】
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