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闻喜经济技术开发区基础设施建设项目 | 山西重点招商项目2019—现代服务业

   发布时间:2019-03-04 09:39     浏览:5065    
核心提示:闻喜经济技术开发区基础设施建设项目Project of Infrastructure Construction in Wenxi Economic and Technological Development Park一、项目名称:闻喜经济技术开发区基础设施建设项目I. Project Name: Project of Infrastructure Construction in Wenxi Economic and Technological Development Park二、申报单位:闻喜县
中国晋商俱乐部致力于建设服务创新型商业化晋商生态 | 主办全球晋商年度峰会“晋商年会”与“晋商国际论坛”


Project of Infrastructure Construction in Wenxi Economic and Technological Development Park


I. Project Name: Project of Infrastructure Construction in Wenxi Economic and Technological Development Park


II. Application unit: Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau of Wenxi County


III. Profile of applicant unit


Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau of Wenxi County is an administrative authority in charge of urban and rural construction. It takes charge of the entire county’s urban and rural planning, construction, construction and real estate industry, housing security, construction quality and safety, garden greening, urban water supply, environmental sanitation, urban management. There are 20 departments and 8 subordinate sections. 


V. Project profile


(I) Project content 


1. The project is located in Dong Town, Wenxi County (in Refined Steel Industrial Park, Wenxi Economic and Technological Development Park). Specific construction scale: infrastructure construction in Refined Steel Industrial Park, covering 10.7km2. Except 6 km2 occupied by Jianlong Steel and Iron, the actual area to be developed is 4.7 km2.


2. Project content: park road, comprehensive pipe rack, cleaning engineering, water processing and garden greening. The park’s road construction includes 6km main road, 6km matching underground comprehensive pipe rack. Electricity, communications, thermal heat supply and water supply pipes are equipped. 12km secondary roads and branch roads are constructed, with electricity, communications, thermal heat, water supply, rain and sewage pipe network. Within road greening zone, shrubs and trees are planted on the two sides of road. In other greening zones, shrubs, bushes and grass are planted. In terms of cleaning engineering, a rubbish transfer station that processes 10 ton/station in Refined Steel Industrial Park is constructed. In terms of water processing engineering, 3.5km ecological landscape corridor at Sushui River segment of Refined Steel Industrial Park is built. Construction includes river rectification, dredging, scenery beautification, wetland recovery, sewage interception and processing, etc. 


(II) Project investment estimation: total investment is 2.6 billion Yuan. 2.1 billion Yuan is planned to be attracted. 


(III) Supporting terms: site, road, water, electricity, gas, communications and other matching facilities are now under construction. 


(IV) Marketing forecast and efficiency analysis


After the completion of the project, annual average business revenue will reach 9.2551 million Yuan. Annual average feasible financial subsidy will reach 282.0738 million Yuan. Annual average total cost will reach 223.9155 million Yuan. Annual average profit will total up to 67.4134 million Yuan. Total investment return rate will be 5.45%. Net ROE (return on equity) will reach 10.99%. 


V. Project Process 


(I) Policy: The project conforms to national industrial policy and Shanxi Province’s industrial planning; 


(II) Approved (record): kept in file; 


(III) Land, environment protection: planned site selection, land pre-checking, environmental assessment and reply have been completed. 


(IV) Project feasibility research report and project proposal: Expert verification and project’s feasibility research report have been completed. 


(V) Early-stage process: “Two Assessments and One Proposal” and preparations are now made in an orderly way. 


VI. Scheduled means of investment introduction: PPP


VII. Contact of Application unit:

手   机:15300248390

Mobile phone: 15300248390



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