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驼梁风景区开发项目 | 山西重点招商项目2019—文化旅游业—文化旅游业

   发布时间:2019-03-01 14:54     浏览:4254    
核心提示:驼梁风景区开发项目Development project of Tuoliang scenic spot一、项目名称:驼梁风景区开发项目I. Project name: Development project of Tuoliang scenic spot二、项目内容(一)简述项目:驼梁,五台县东部,佛教圣地五台山东南,山西、河北两省四县(五台、灵寿、阜平、平山)交界之处,因酷似驼峰而得名。距五台山高
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Development project of Tuoliang scenic spot


I. Project name: Development project of Tuoliang scenic spot


(一)简述项目:驼梁,五台县东部,佛教圣地五台山东南,山西、河北两省四县(五台、灵寿、阜平、平山)交界之处,因酷似驼峰而得名。距五台山高速出口仅6公里, 正在规划中的忻雄高铁五台山站位于境内狐峪口村.驼梁山属于五台山系,为石质山区,属典型变质岩地貌结构,主峰海拔2281m,最低点海拔1172m, 2000m以上的山峰有5座,1500m以上的山峰20多座。




II. Project profile 

(1) Brief introduction: Tuoliang lies in the eastern corner of Wutai county and southeast of Mountain Wutai, a holy land of Buddhism. It is at the intersection of four counties of Shanxi and Hebei province (Wutai, Lingshou, Fuping and Pingshan). It gets its name for its semblance to camel. It is only 6 kilometers from the exist of Wutaishan expressway. The ongoing Wutaishan stop of Xinxiong high-speed railway is located in Huyukou village within its border. Mountain Tuoliang is a part of Mountain Wutai range. It falls to mountainous area and shows classical metamorphic rock structure. Its peak shows an elevation of 2281 meters with nadir at 1172 meters. it has 5 peaks with elevations at 2000 meters and above and more than 20 peaks with elevation more than 1500 meters.

(Two) Building content and scale: following demands of the tourism market, such supporting facilities as snow township, health preservation township, skiing field, sight-seeing platform, high-end abode, star-level hotel and experience project in the scenic spot that would align with nature and culture in the scenic spot would be built. 

(Three) Budget: 5 billion Yuan

(Four) Supporting facilities: water, power and roads are all available. Human resources can satisfy the requirements. 







III. Project process

(One) Policies: it aligns with national and industrial policies and industrial planning in Shanxi.

Approval (put on record): already done;

(Two) Land and environmental protection: it aligns with land policies and regulations on environmental protection. It has been given consent after initial review by the national land resources and department of environmental protection. Its address has been given consent by departments of national resources, environmental protection and city building.

(Three) Project process

Its infrastructure contains 879-meter-long rope, 3.5 kilometer of wooden trestle, 5 kilometer of extended tourism highway and more than 30 wooden hubs, parking lot, landscape doors and supporting landscape in the scenic spot. 


IV. Scheduled means of investment introduction: sole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperative 



V. Contact means of the applicant: 

Phone: 15300248390



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