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大南山(贺兰山)原生态影视基地景区项目 | 山西重点招商项目2019—文化旅游业

   发布时间:2019-03-01 14:50     浏览:4288    
核心提示:大南山(贺兰山)原生态影视基地景区项目Big Nanshan (Mountain Helan) ecological filming base scenic spot一、项目名称:大南山(贺兰山)原生态影视基地景区项目I. Project name: Big Nanshan (Mountain Helan) ecological filming base scenic spot二、申报单位:右玉县招商引资服务中心II. Application unit: Business
中国晋商俱乐部致力于建设服务创新型商业化晋商生态 | 主办全球晋商年度峰会“晋商年会”与“晋商国际论坛”
晋商年会  全球晋商年度峰会


Big Nanshan (Mountain Helan) ecological filming base scenic spot


I. Project name: Big Nanshan (Mountain Helan) ecological filming base scenic spot


II. Application unit: Business attraction and investment service center in Youyu county 



III. Profile of application unit:

Business attraction and investment service center in Youyu county is affiliated to Youyu county’s government. Youyu is located in Shanxi and Inner Mongolia. It is at the northern border of Shanxi and is the northern gateway of Shanxi. It has a population of 112000. 








IV. Project profile 

(One) Project content

1. Background: Big Nanshan is also called Mountain Helan. It is 6 kilometers away from the northwestern corner of downtown Youyu county. It shows towering and magnificent mountains with the top elevation at 1592.4 meters. ‘Helan Cha Han’ is one of the ten major scenes in Youyu. Its southern slope is brimmed with grass and is a place for grazing. Its northern slope shows thick layer of soil with dense forest. Template of Emperor Xiaowen in Northern Wei Dynasty is seen in the mountain that records the history of Emperor Xiaowen’s tribute to the forebears. During Ming and Qing Dynasties, it had Xian Ming San Jiao Temple that is north-to-south in direction. It covers a land area of around 600 square meters. It is no longer in existence. Five tombs are found at the peak. It contains tomb dating back to Northern Wei Dynasty and is suspected to be North Dynasty Gold Tomb. 

2. Content and scale:

(Two) Budget: total investment 800 million Yuan. Governmental support and self-raised funds. 

(Three) Supporting facilities: such hardware buildings as water, power supply, road hardening, concentrated heat supply, beautification and so forth have been completed.

 (Four) Marketing forecast and efficiency analysis: Marketing forecast and efficiency analysis: upon completion, it will have good economic and social benefits.








V. Scheduled means of investment introduction:

(1) Policy: it aligns with national and industrial policies and industrial planning in Shanxi province;

(2) Approval (put on record): it is being applied

(3) Land and environmental protection: it aligns with national land policies and regulations on environmental protection; whether it gets consent from related departments on land resources and departments of environmental protection; whether non-agricultural projects get consent by such departments as on land resources, environmental protection and city building and planning.

(4) Project feasibility research report and project proposal: underway 

(5) Early-stage process: it is open for business attraction 



VI. Contact means of the applicant: 

Cellphone: 15300248390



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