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程颢书院文化创意园项目 | 山西重点招商项目2019—文化旅游业

   发布时间:2019-03-01 14:36     浏览:4228    
核心提示:程颢书院文化创意园项目Cultural Innovation Park in Chengyi Book Academy一、项目名称:程颢书院文化创意园项目I. Project name: Cultural Innovation Park in Chengyi Book Academy二、申报单位:古书院社区II. Application unit: Ancient Book Academy Community三、申报单位简况:古书院社区位于晋城市老城区,东至古书
中国晋商俱乐部致力于建设服务创新型商业化晋商生态 | 主办全球晋商年度峰会“晋商年会”与“晋商国际论坛”
晋商年会  全球晋商年度峰会


Cultural Innovation Park in Chengyi Book Academy


I. Project name: Cultural Innovation Park in Chengyi Book Academy


II. Application unit: Ancient Book Academy Community 





III. Profile of application unit:

Ancient Book Academy is located in the old downtown of Jincheng city. It extends to ancient book academy mine to the east, book academy street to the south, former book academy community to the west and Zhangling-Guoshan village, first-level road of Lingqin to the north. It covers an area of around 0.7 square kilometer. It has 460 households of permanent residence or 1200 people. It has 260 tentative households or 860 people. 

(One) Content: located in the old downtown of Jincheng city, it covers a land area of 183 mu. With gradual emergence of cultural travel and industry-oriented travel, tourism industry has unshackled the border of traditional tourism industry and is gradually revolved into a multi-level and multi-dimensional comprehensive macro industry. with development of the protective belt and introduction of talents as the concept, long historic culture in Jincheng as the connotation, historic culture of Cheng Yi’s emphasis on schooling and the ancient book academy’s mining industry development as the background, new Song-style buildings and renovation of buildings in the mining area as the carrier and regional comprehensive development as the core, it would roundly forge a scaled and featured travel brand and cultural landmark aggregating cultural tourism, cultural experience, featured entertainment, leisure business, business and office, high-end theater, park life and filming base. 

(Two) Budget: total investment: 2 billion Yuan 





IV. Project process 

(One) Policy: it aligns with national and industrial policies and industrial planning in Shanxi province

(Two) Approval (put on record): yet to be put on record

(Three) Early-stage development: compilation of planning has been attained. Business attraction is underway. 


V. Scheduled means of investment introduction: joint venture, cooperative 



VI. Contact means of the applicant: 

Phone: 15300248390



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